Referred by Cy Leo, our Founder Ivan Chong got in touch with Ms Sylvia Sun of S'way Music Studio.
Having the site built using wordpress, Sylvia would like to further enhance the workflow for members' registration and ticket purchase for the current website of S'way Music.
As the contract with the website building service provider had come to an end, Sylvia would also like to list and document the current technical issues of the website, so that the staff can later help to prioritize the tasks and solve the urgent ones.
A discovery call had been scheduled between Ivan and Sylvia.
A 2nd follow-up online consulting meeting had been scheduled with the presence of other admin staff of S'way Music.
Ms Sylvia Sun of S'way Music Studio would like to arrange a digital consulting session with our Founder Ivan Chong, together with the admin staff of S'way Music to see how to further enhance the member registration workflow and the concert purchase workflow.
After taking a look at the configuration of the website of S'way Music Studio as well as its WooCommerce plugin, our Founder Ivan explained to Sylvia and her admin colleagues that advanced function might be realized via the purchase of appropriate add-on plugin. At this stage, the existing problems of the site were due to the limitation of the standard configuration of certain modules and plugins.
Ivan also provided some advice to the team in order to better manage the website and promotion in the future.
Examples included:
Testimonial from Client